
HUB24 Super Fund API built by developers, for developers

Access HUB24 Super Fund's fund performance data, investment data, product data and more.

SuperAPI Superannuation Ecosystem

Join the developer ecosystem for HUB24 Super Fund

Up to date, accurate, developer documentation available in our public developer portal for HUB24 Super Fund. OpenAPI & Swagger spec's available.

SuperAPI Payroll Superannuation Integrations

Do more with HUB24 Super Fund API

Access your super in brand new ways. Automate the management of your super. Be empowered with data driven decision making.

SuperAPI Ecosystem

Generate your API keys for HUB24 Super Fund

There's no need to contact support, organise a meeting and discuss use cases before you even get access to developer docs & API keys. Generate your API keys in our dev portal and read our public docs. Start building today!

SuperAPI API Keys for Superannuation

Start building today