The future of super is embedded
SuperAPI is embedded into Payroll & HR software to integrate employees super choices directly with their Super Fund.

Keeping employers compliant

Built for Employers
Made for employers, made for employer software
Workforce Management
Payroll & ERP
Time & Attendance
Recruitment & Onboarding
Candidate Search
Contracting or Job Offer
Pay Employees
Employee Leave

New Hire
Automated Onboarding...
Collecting Employee Information
Collect Super Choice
Collect Tax Details
Ready for Payday Super
Get Payday Super ready today, ahead of the 2026 deadline
Super onboarding that's ready for payday super
Onboard new employees ready for payday

The most compliant super onboarding service in the market
Meets current super & stapling regulations
Ensure employers meet compliance requirements
Aligns with the intent of current regulations, to ensure smooth transitions during regulatory change.
Doesn't rely on loopholes to meet compliance obligations
Automated Super Stapling
ATO Integrated Digital Service Provider
Legal advice available to share
Prepared for compliance reviews

Standards Based
Built on top of existing, regulated, secure & tested technologies, already adopted as standards within the super industry:
Meets ATO standards for DSP's (Digital Service Providers)
SuperStream Network Standard
AS4 Compliant Messaging
For Super Funds
Engage within onboarding to retain existing members for life
Proactively retain existing members
Leverage branding & content to inform members of the value of your super fund
Build member loyalty through making their super choice easy
Compatible & compliant with Super Stapling reforms
Nurture your employer relationships with seamless experiences
Help your existing employers activate their default super selection with just one click
Automate the default super choice process through the SuperAPI SuperStream integration
Scale up and win new employer relationships effortlessly
Acquire new members
Reduce the friction to switch, with 'Instant Join' automation
Branded experience to maximise your investment in branding
Rich content to inform employees about your super fund
Offer consolidation for better member outcomes
Fast & effective rollover process offered in context
Maximise effectiveness by offering rollover in context (when employees are thinking about their super)
Identity validation of members prior to search & consolidation

Made by developers, for developers
We built SuperAPI to solve problems, not create them. Built to be easy to integrate with your existing web/mobile stack, with nothing to reinvent.
Upsert your super onboarding experience using SuperAPI
Seamless experience for super onboarding and management
Reduce friction and complexity
Save on dev resources now, avoid future tech debt

Developer built, developer focused
Deep customisation available through developer centric tooling
Injectable CSS enables theme & visual customisation
iFrame integration for minimal effort implementation
Direct API access to create fully customised experiences

Developer Experience
Built by developers who've learnt from experience, to care about the developer experience.
Versioned endpoints, and a commitment to support partners
CI/CD, with a strong focus on automated testing
Public documentation & API specifications